Hacking - Internet And Businesses Online

Bandwidth Limit Exceeded

| Selasa, 13 April 2010
If you often visit this site, maybe some of today's writings adorned the front pages site of this latest gadgets and technology. Then what happens? The warning appears because this month I have spent only 4GB of bandwidth quota. As a consequence, I have to pay the excess bandwidth equal to Rp. His 15000th each 1 GB. For this month I only added it because I think 1GB is enough to cover the bandwidth this month.

Then how I feel with this incident? Honestly I am very pleased with this. Actually over my bandwidth this month tergetkan yesterday (July), but unfortunately time did not meet the target, only 98 percent of the unused (forget exactly how). why not move to the unlimited hosting right? Yes, the plan is already there. But I still want nerusin hostingan ration in the current lease to less than december / january after that I moved to the hosting of unlimited bandwidth.

Wow,, not expected .. I also can write ternyta gini long. 've Ah,, is not very important anyway (and do not necessarily read) Oh important've now re-tida accessible and there are 509 messages again.

1 komentar:

Mario Nabil mengatakan...

nice info

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