Hacking - Internet And Businesses Online


Internal Links - On Page SEO - How to Do it Right

| Kamis, 29 April 2010
One of the main reasons we do on page SEO is to communicate with the search engines. If you think of the code on your website page as being a conversation with Google, you can instruct the search engine to do what you want when it comes to indexing your website.

Internal linking is one important bit of conversation you can have with the search engine that will tell it exactly what keyword phrase you would like to be ranked for and which pages in your website are the most important. Here are a few guides to go by when creating your internal links.

Every page on your site should have a link to your main domain name. Linking to your main domain will tell Google that it is a very important page in the whole scheme of things.
Avoid naming your main page links as "home". Make the anchor text of the link your keyword. This will let the spiders crawling your site know that the keyword is important to the website because it is linked on every page.
Every page should also have a link to your Sitemap. This will ensure that the spider crawls through, and indexes, every page on your website. If you do not want the search engines to index a certain page, do not include it in your Sitemap.
When linking to your main domain name. Do not add extensions to it that are not necessary. ie: index.html.
If you use the www. in front of your domain name, make sure you do for ALL of your linking. Do not make some links with and some links without. The search engines see those as two separate destinations and you will not only water down the effect of the internal links, you will also create duplicate content in the search engine's eyes.
Create some deep links within your pages. Deep linking is when you link to any page within the site that is not the main page. Make these pages anchor text links to the appropriate related keywords.
If you follow these guides and create an internal linking system within your website, the search engines will not only index all of your pages, they will be indexed the way you want them to be. By having conversations with search spiders through your code, you will rank much higher in the SERP for your specific keyword phrases and get better performance from your website.

Bandwidth Limit Exceeded

| Selasa, 13 April 2010
If you often visit this site, maybe some of today's writings adorned the front pages site of this latest gadgets and technology. Then what happens? The warning appears because this month I have spent only 4GB of bandwidth quota. As a consequence, I have to pay the excess bandwidth equal to Rp. His 15000th each 1 GB. For this month I only added it because I think 1GB is enough to cover the bandwidth this month.

Then how I feel with this incident? Honestly I am very pleased with this. Actually over my bandwidth this month tergetkan yesterday (July), but unfortunately time did not meet the target, only 98 percent of the unused (forget exactly how). why not move to the unlimited hosting right? Yes, the plan is already there. But I still want nerusin hostingan ration in the current lease to less than december / january after that I moved to the hosting of unlimited bandwidth.

Wow,, not expected .. I also can write ternyta gini long. 've Ah,, is not very important anyway (and do not necessarily read) Oh important've now re-tida accessible and there are 509 messages again.

3 Important Things to Do For a Successful Dropshipping Business

| Senin, 12 April 2010
The dropshipping business is becoming more popular as a convenient way to make money. It is a very fast-growing online business. The main reason for its immense popularity is the fact that you do not need a large amount of money in order to be able to start a dropshipping business. Below are three important things you can do to help you succeed in your online drop shipping business.

1. Find an authentic wholesale dropshipping company.

Perhaps this is the most crucial step in starting your dropshipping business. Make sure you are dealing with a genuine wholesale dropshipper. SaleHoo is a trusted source of authentic dropshippers, so make use of SaleHoo to find a reliable one. Do not automatically select the first one you find. Talk to as many drop shippers as you can and compare their prices and services. Review the feedbacks given by their customers so that you will have a good idea of their actual performance. Choose the one that can give you the best prices as well as good customer service.

2. Build your website

eBay is a very convenient auction site to use and it is easy to sell your products on this site. However, you will be competing with many other sellers. You can sell on eBay if you want to. If you prefer, you may also choose to have your own website.

If you decide not to sell on eBay, you will have to build your own website. You can do this on your own. You can also hire a professional to design one for you. Your website should be attractive and well designed. It should have a name that is catchy, easy to remember, and tells about the products you sell. The layout should be good so that people will find it easy to navigate and find the items they want.

3. Market your selling site.

You cannot expect people to easily find you on the internet. It is necessary for you to market your site or your products. Even if you are selling on eBay, you must find ways to steer people to your auction or your selling site. Tell your friends and relatives about your site. Market your site by using email advertising, blogs, or forums. Social networking sites are very popular and they can also be used to advertise your site. Post informative articles and helpful tips on your site to attract more people to visit your site.

By making sure you do these things, you will able to develop a successful online drop shipping business.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michelle_Samual_Williams

The Use of SEO in the Web Marketing

| Kamis, 08 April 2010
Our lives have become very complicated. They are so much inter-connected now. The latest media channel - the internet - is playing an important role in this regard. It has taken the central role in bringing many new services to us. This also includes the service of web marketing. Many of the web businesses rely heavily on a SEO company to promote their products.

There are many ways to use SEO Services. They are highly useful in bringing the website in the search rankings of the search engines, like Google or Yahoo search rankings. Good rankings mean that there is a good chance of getting better traffic for the website. This, in turn, results in better sales and revenue generation.

Many companies offer these services. Some of them are highly competitive and they offer great advantages. It is a good idea to utilize the best SEO for a company in order to get good visible results. The best companies for this purpose can be searched on the internet. They can help in increasing the internet traffic and the ranking of a website.

There is a huge demand for the search engine optimization services. They have become the backbone of the entire online business. But, not all the companies can provide these services with satisfaction. Some of them are busy in minting money from the simple and unsuspecting customers who contact them online. Many of these companies don't have trained staff or experts who can help in delivering results.

On the other hand, a trained SEO expert will help in bringing the website among the top results of the search engines. He can utilize many aspects of the SEO to deliver this kind of results. Normally, he utilizes the white hat techniques and avoids the black hat techniques as it is a method unapproved by the search engines.

I have been writing articles for last few months and found it an interesting activity. I love to think about different hot topics and write about them.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Muqtada_Khalid

How to hack Awsurveys

| Selasa, 06 April 2010
I have 2 times to get payments from awsurvey, but in the normal way without hacks. Well Many of my refferal who complained long wait until the $ 75 to get payout earnings from awsurvey, indeed in awsurvey minimum payment is if our account has reached $ 75, if less than that will not payoutWell now just $ 27 you can payout but by machines read $ 75 $ 27 itself can be found for free after joining awsurveys, where you just fill in the survey which provided 6 in there then you will get $ 27. time is needed to work on 6 surveys the most only about 20-30 minutes. Now, before I continue with this tutorial how to hack awsurvey, better for those of you who have not list on the survey list can quickly this money, free.
Well I will not give a direct tutorial, but I will give you a video about awsurvey hack, which make people overseas sono, well here it is all the steps to hack awsurveys:
The first was here first join awsurveys
Then follow these steps in the video below.
3. at minute 2:56 .. there has not explained how to get a "Data". easy way.
an>Click here to download (you have to use mozilla firefox).
Well If you trouble seeing the video above, I will summarize what is in the video.
1. please list here awsurveys
2. Complete survey survey later there until your balance reaches $ 27 or more.
3. Download Thumper data>> click here (you have to use mozilla firefox)
4. after finished downloading, go into your account again awsurveys
5. after that click "redeem money"
6. choose the amount.select "$ 75".then in the menu toolbar mozilla firefox. click tools> data> on,
7. AWsurveys back to your account, click redeem now. time to hack awsurveys here when you click "redeem now".the tamper will appear, and you can change the $ 75 to $ 25
8. after that you go to the information, enter your paypal e-mail, and other information
9. then after you enter informasi2.and submit payment. will appear.
The data
10.in .. Change "$ 25" to "$ 75" ... completed
11. Here we can get $ 75 at the expense of $ 27 is, from the tired looking tired refferal better not try this way?

Hacking Polldaddy

| Senin, 05 April 2010

Well, the poll was run by PollDaddy, a popular online poll service. The widget on the blog is a bit confusing because it's coded a bit funny to make up for the fact that it's not running off it's "home" website. Because of this fact, it's compressed and weird. So, instead of delving into the code on the blog, I figured there has to be an original version on "homepage" of the code back at the PollDaddy page. I used Firebug, a Firefox extension to look through the source revealed a NOSCRIPT tag used to provide a link for users without Javascript enabled.

Finding the URL of Polldaddy

Voila! We can now go straight to the PollDaddy poll here! OK, so we see a big form with all the entries. To vote, you click on the radio button and then click the big green vote button. Time to crack this baby open and see how she runs. Back to Firebug to inspect the radio button next to my name. The radio button appears to have a "name" of PDI_answer, an "id" of PDI_answer10761055 and a "value" of 10761055. So, based on this information, I am going to make the assumption that 10761055 is my unique identifier. This means that when you submit the form with me selected, it takes the value 10761055 and sends it to the code that processes the vote. Sure enough, all the other entries had values increasing incrementally. (Meaning that the next entry down [Andy] had a value of 10761056, Jimmy had a value of 10761057 and so on.)

Grabbing Polldaddy Ids

Cool, now it's time to try and see if we can figure out what other data is passed to the code processor to create a "vote". The next step I did was look for the FORM tag to see if I could find secret variables sent to the code processor passed as hidden INPUT's. Instead of looking through the code, I used the powerful Firefox extension Web Developer Toolbar and ran the "Display Form Details" tool. This displayed all the details of every FORM on the page. The first FORM was the little Search form on the top right. The second FORM was the important voting form. Darn! It only shows the 5 radio buttons... even the action is blank. [The FORM action is the location of the code of the code processor... where the information is sent after you click "vote"]. And our report from Web Developer Toolbar has just given us what we already know...

Polldaddy Form Analysis

OK, not all is lost yet, we can still get a clue by looking at the "Vote" button which submits the form. Aha! The vote "button" isn't even a button at all! It's an image that calls a Javascript function when it's clicked. The function it calls is called "vote" and it passes 5 variables to the vote function. The data it's passing here appears to be 5 numbers. 2189218, 0, 1, 0 and 10.

Polldaddy Exploit Howto

Now, looking at the URL of the poll page, I can tell that the first number is the ID for the poll itself. This is sent so that when the vote is tallied, it'll know which poll to tally it to. OK, now we have to look for the javascript function called "vote". Hopefully, it will help clue us into what the other 4 numbers being passed are all about. Viewing the page source shows that the Javascript function isn't right on the page; it has to be in one of the included Javascript files. Again, the developer toolbar can help us out by going to "Information", then "View Javascrip"t. This features grabs the source of all the included Javascript files. Toolbar shows us that, not only are they non-obfuscated, the function we need to analyze is right in the first included Javascript file, "common.js"!

With the actual function, we can see the variable names being passed. They are id, poll_other, rand, poll_type and u. ID links with the poll and I assume rand is just a random number to prevent spamming. The other ones probably just identify the type of poll (e.g. non-multiple choice, etc.) Looking at the code of the function, we can see how the form is processed and the data is sent to the code processor.

function vote(id, poll_other, rand, poll_type, u)
var answerString = '';
var otherText = '';

for (i = 0; i < style="background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">{

if (document.formPoll.elements[i].type == "checkbox" || document.formPoll.elements[i].type == "radio")
if (document.formPoll.elements[i].checked)
answerString += document.formPoll.elements[i].value + ',';

if (poll_other == 1)
otherText = $('PDI_OtherText').value;

if (answerString.length > 0 || otherText.length > 0)
location.href = '/vote/?va=' + u + '&pt=' + poll_type + '&r=' + rand + '&p=' + id + '&a=' + answerString + '&o=' + otherText;
alert('Please choose an answer first!');

The loop between the function whose brackets I highlighted in red go through the form and grab the value of the person you checked (in this case, my unique identifer of 10761055). The function whose brackets in green aren't used in this poll. And lastly, but most importantly, the part in the blue brackets is what sets the page to redirect to the code processor while sending along 6 variables.

  • va = "u", the 5th parameter in the vote function = 10
  • pt = "poll_type", the 4th parameter in the vote function = 0
  • r = "rand", the 3rd paramenter in the vote function = 1
  • p = id, the 1st parameter in the vote function = 2189218 [the poll's ID number]
  • a = answerString, the unique identifer of my entry in the poll = 10761055
  • o = otherText = [blank]

So using this data, we can create the way to make out votes. Every time the following URL is accessed, a vote is placed for me in the poll.


We're almost there... so close! Now, PollDaddy put some roadblocks in place to prevent the user from simply refreshing the page and revoting. The main way it does this is by setting a cookie on the user. A cookie is a piece of data stored by a website on your computer. In this case, the cookie says "I already voted in this poll". When you come back and try and vote on the poll again, the website reads your cookie, sees you've already voted and won't let you vote again. Now, there's 2 easy ways to counteract this. The first comes back to the good old Web Developer Toolbar. By going to "Cookies", then "Disable All Cookies". The website will not be able to store its "you already voted" cookie and therefore when you refresh the poll and come back, you can vote again! However, this vote, refresh, vote process is too slow and too boring for me. To truly dominate the poll, I need to create a program that could keep submitting the data for me automatically!

I acheived this using PHP and the built-in cURL library. The cURL library is a very powerful library of codes that help the server running your PHP script communicate with another server (in our case, the PollDaddy server). So, all the code needs to do is just keep sending this data to server over and over again. The code I used to accomplish this is below.



$rand = rand(1,10);
$pollid = "2189218";
$voting_id = "10761055";

$useragent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061204 Firefox/";

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://answers.polldaddy.com/vote/?va=10&pt=0&r=".$rand."&p=".$pollid."&a=".$voting_id);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $useragent);
$res = curl_exec ($ch) ;



This code begins by calling "set_time_limit(0)". This tells the PHP script to ignore the built-in time limit and to run forever. The next part begins a while loop which is deliberately written to loop forever. The next 3 lines set some of the data to be sent including the random number, the poll id and the id of my entry. The next line is used in a attempt to foll PollDaddy into thinking that it's a browser sending this data and not the truth, which is a server PHP script. Then the code sets up a connection to PollDaddy, sends out the data to be tallied and takes a quick 6 second "sleep" break before looping and sending the data again.

Poll Daddy Results

Now, PollDaddy has a system in place to prevent this type of "poll spamming". It tracks all incoming votes based on the unique IP address. And if alot of votes are coming from one IP address all at once, a temporary ban is placed on that IP address and all the questionable votes are deleted. This is why the script is told to sleep for 6 seconds because if you have run in a constantly loop, it will run multiple times every second and in about a minute, you could easily have over a 1,000 votes. This will get you banned very quickly as I soon discovered. When I ran this on the RB server, the whole office was blocked from voting on the poll since all the computers share an IP address. Through trial and error, I found that a 6 second sleep was perfect for getting a maximum amount of votes without being banned. Through the help of Wesley and other friends who had access to servers, we were able to spread the script around and run them all simultaneously. This is what allowed me to rack up 1,000s of votes in less than an hour.

So, there you have it! With a little bit of ingenuity, a lot of technical skill and some luck, it can be quite easy and fun to do some low-grade "hacking". In my case, it can even be profitable!! Thanks for the $50 iTunes gift card Barry, and better luck next time everybody else! tease

Source : http://www.rustybrick.com