Hacking - Internet And Businesses Online


How to hack twitter

| Rabu, 31 Maret 2010

Come and learn how to hack into Twitter accounts. Personally, I think Twitter is probably the most ridiculous and also the most insecure micro-blogging platform in the World Wide Web today. Believe me when I say that it is not really hard to hack into Twitter accounts! What do you have to do in order to hack into Twitter accounts? Read on to find out.

The easiest way to hack Twitter also happens to be the oldest hacking trick in the book that goes back to the time of the Egyptian Pharaohs and Moses (he was a Prophet, don’t laugh). Use brute force attacks to crack Twitter passwords and hack accounts. A brute force attack tries all possible passwords (starting with 500 common passwords and then using password dictionaries), it is time consuming but it is bound to crack passwords sooner or later. Brute force attacks can be done manually or remotely by using password-grinding software (custom made).

Password Phishing

This is immensely time consuming and I do wonder why idiots resort to such hacking method to hack Twitter.

Create a phishing site to steal Twitter passwords from unsuspecting Twitterers and make your phishing site look exactly like Twitter. You may then create multiple (literally hundreds!) new Twitter accounts and mass follow Twitterers that have the following criteria:

  1. They have lots of followers and follow lots of other Twitterers.
  2. They follow and use stupid Twitter 3rd-party apps such as Twollow that allow Twitterers to auto-follow followers.

Twitterers that meet the above criteria normally reciprocate Twitter follows and will follow those who follow them. Once they have followed you, you can send them private messages or direct messages with links (use short URLs for maximum effect; Twitterers should learn how to kill short URLs) to your phishing site straight to their inboxes, phones and emails (only possible if they set their direct message text and email notifications to ON). To make your job easier, you can use 3rd-party apps such as Tweet Manager that allow you to send mass messages to other Twitterers.

Once you have their passwords, Twitter is at your mercy.


I managed to gather all of the information after closely observing the current Twitter phishing (learn how to protect yourself from Twitter phishing scams/attacks) and hacking crises that caught Twitter and their users with their pants down and balls hanging.

Security Tips:

Twitter users should learn something from such horrible crises. They should be more careful with their passwords, they must learn to create and use strong or secure passwords that meet the following standard guidelines:
  1. Passwords must include numbers, symbols, upper and lowercase letters.
  2. Password length should be around 12 to 14 characters (minimum 6 on Twitter).
  3. Do not use repetitive words, dictionary words, letter or number sequences, usernames, pet names etc. as passwords.

Follow Twitter users, be careful out there!

Hacking Email Yahoo

| Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010
upon request to the loyal Chapillalovers, how to hack email yahoo, or gmail??
finally fit in the first of June is my knowledge of the park can be friends for how to hack hacking email.

before reading I want to tell you,
that to hack the email is not a science of a hacker. but this study used the cracker.
What's cracker? can be found here

so remember! if the hacker was still a code of ethics so not allowed to destroy, damage, and always be detrimental.
therefore I apologize to the hackers.
This knowledge should not mention that the hackers are doing, but mention that the crackers are doing!

email cracking is cracking a high level after a piercing how the bank, so science is very, very secret.

OK, after reading the notice of satisfaction Chapillalovers.
we just went into the field.

may be difficult to explain through this blog.

so I let download the first tutorial with a few small scripts.
please download here or here

already download??

> See turorialnya first [in the video].

> And change the files. Htm files attached one there [named: yahoo] open with notepad. how to change this with notepad: yahoo file right click, open with, then click the notepad.

> Open notepad after writing "CONTENT ON YOUR NAME" that the fox by the name can be changed up with a name up to you.

> Then try to see again the video tutorial.

How to Hack Facebook

| Jumat, 26 Maret 2010
Who would not know facebook, which is a world innovator network of friends who have moved friendster approximately half years ago. Like its predecessor (friendster) was facebook also still have a gap that can be for the collapse and can find the owner's password facebook account. Ok here will be a little bit about how to hack facebook password hacking by using Fake Login.

Warning: This is just simply learning to simply add insight. And the existence of this tutorial is expected to use it wisely rather than to make fun or harm to others.

Previously please note that this way is to use a fake login, and this is frankly a bit difficult. Because you should already know about webhosting. So if you do not understand web hosting, please studied first by googling for sure a lot of explanation.

Ok for those who already understand web hosting please proceed to go to a place free or paid hosting you. After that, please download the files that have been prepared here the small size koq bro. Download

After you finish downloading, uploading the file hostingan and do as shown in the file "read first". Then, share your facebook fake web address you are to people who want to hack. Password will be automatically stored in the file logs.txt if someone logged in via the web. So much ok aja nge-tutorials about hacking hack facebook password using fake login. Once again, please use it wisely.


| Kamis, 11 Maret 2010
What is needed is software void11 (download http://www.wlsec.net/void11) and Kismet (if you want more easily use the Auditor Linux distributions), and hardware required by the PCMCIA Wifi Laptop Prism chipset,
After the device is needed ready, run Kismet for the first wifi network scanning, once you get the MAC address info from the target AP via Kismet, just type on console:

# Iwpriv wlan0 hostapd 1 iwconfig wlan0 mode master
# Void11_penetration wlan0-D-t 1-B 00:0 E: 2E: C2: 2C: 0E

description:-D = debug
>-t 1 = type attack AP
-B = the target AP MAC Address

Remember at the time the instructions attack, Kismet is still actively running, do not close it, then wait a while, and the next .................. master AP targets.